$$ Operations Cost Cutter

Visit Bar Maid Corporation www.BestintheBar.com.
Your Bar's Biggest Problems Solved:
Flat Beer, Fruit Flies and Glass Polishing
In 1961, Bar Maid Corporation introduced the 5 Brush in-sink Glass Washer. 55 Years later, major chains and independents still count on US-manufactured Bar Maid glass washers to deliver “Beer Clean” glassware free of lipstick and grease.
“The increasing popularity of 'Craft Beer' has made this more important than ever!” says George Shepherd, Bar Maid’s President. “An improperly cleaned glass is sure to draw the carbonation out of any beverage, especially beer. Proper glass cleaning maximizes beer 'head,' flavor, customer satisfaction and operator profits. In fact, properly clean glasses can yield as many as 50 more glasses of beer from a standard keg. At $5 each x 50 glasses x 8 kegs a week… that’s a lot of profit!
“There’s a misconception that washing with a 5 Brush Washer is slower than other methods. The truth is, under-counter washers have to be loaded, cycled, unloaded and then after cooling, the glassware checked for lipstick,” says Shepherd. "And then there’s all those racks to deal with… not to mention chemicals and maintenance. With a Bar Maid washer, you handle the glass once and it’s clean. That’s why most chains use a Bar Maid washer in their bars. They do studies and they know what works.”
With the goal of creating more innovative, money saving products, Bar Maid recently introduced a new Glass Polisher. “It pays for itself in months,” says Shepherd. “The Bar Maid GP-100 is five times faster than hand polishing, more sanitary and virtually eliminates breakage and the associated injuries. The cost is insignificant compared to the benefits.”
Focused on developing more solutions for operators, Bar Maid now manufacturers keg management carts and dollies, an extensive top quality line of bar supplies, and an innovative line of pesticide-free Fruit Fly control products, including their new FLY-BYE Floor Drain Trap Seal. The Drain Trap Seal is low cost, installs in seconds and virtually eliminates evaporation, odors, gases and bugs… all big floor drain problems. For more information on Bar Maid Corporation and their products visit booth #807 at NAFEM or www.BestintheBar.com.

Glass Polisher.
“It pays for itself in months,” says George Shepherd. “The Bar Maid GP-100 is five times faster than hand polishing, more sanitary and virtually eliminates breakage and the associated injuries. The cost is insignificant compared to the benefits.”