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 Tarte Fruits Rouge





 "I am Cécile, an international creator and pastry coach. In 2015, I created my own Professional Pastry Training Center, « Créations by Cécile », based near Nîmes, in the south of France.
Now, I travel around our planet to share and convey my personal vision of pastry, based on « couture » and « gourmet » harmonies, to pastry chefs and their teams. And I recently decided to give you the opportunity to travel too!
Follow me and discover my world, in which recipes and techniques are only meant to enhance the harmonies of styles, textures, flavors and tastes.
Whether you are a pastry pro or a fan, let’s meet. Masterclass, Demo, In-house professional training, Individual workshops or recipe books, the choice is yours!
S​ee you soon."


After 5 years of studies in Applied Art Cécile got a diploma in Fashion design and became a fashion  designer for 10 years. Having always loved baking and cooking she decides to link pastry with her creative universe in fashion. Immersed in this gastronomic and gourmet world, she then devoted herself fully to her main passion. Thereafter the development of a blog resonated with her images.

She then became food stylist. She first elaborated and improved her techniques from famous chefs (Pascal Caffet, Dan Bessoudo, Jean-Michel Perruchon...) , won many contests and then decided to move permanently to the other side of the mirror. Today providing internationally renowned training in the deluxe pastry range, partner of the most leading brands, she travels to meet professionals: to pass on and share, which is the true vocation of Cécile.


Food Fair: When did your passion for food begin? Any big influencers? What is your training? The street, the Institute or Mom or Dad!?

Cécile Farkas Moritel: It comes from a family tradition linked to gastronomy but my vocation came relatively late after 10 years working in fashion. But my perseverance and passion for pastry enabled me to acquire an excellent education in some of the best places like Pascal Caffet. I am very grateful for all the support, career guidance and culinary mentoring from Chefs like him.

FF: What are a few things you do you do to maintain success and stay creative. From where does your passion come from?

CFM: My style has 2 key elements: a refined technique and a taste for combining flavors that are not excessively sweet. My feminine side comes up in attractive decorations and colorful presentations. In my opinion, it is important to respect the classical foundations of French pastries.

I am inspired by the season which I am in, aromas, sight, etc…. For me, a seductive dessert is one that provokes feelings in the person, different from what you would feel eating something sweet, even if it is a simple tart or an éclair. I believe in a model of four ingredients that creates a perfect dish: a croustillant, a mousse, a cremeux combined with spices, compote or jelly.

FF: What is your favorite trend or change you are noticing in food now?  

CFM: I am not interested in trends, my creations are contemporary. My inspiration is coming from nature and art in general. Nature is fascinating and give us each day to learn. I like to create universes and fashion enchanting pieces.

Haute patisserie should continue making us dream, without forgetting the main objective, taste and gourmandize. Today we return to classic patisserie enhanced by the originality of talented chefs, and even patisserie cooked straight from the instinct of building on seasonal product.

FF: Chef Cécile, Merci beaucoup!

CFM: de rien!

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Recipes below.

Interviewed by

Christopher Gudenzi


November 2019

En français d'origine sous l'anglais



Entremets Chocolat « thé » noisettes


 Chocolate Pudding "Tea" Hazelnuts

Recipe for 2 desserts 18cm

Background crunchy hazelnuts

Soft hazelnut biscuit

Creamy milk chocolate Earl Grey tea

chocolate mousse Ynaya

Milky glaze gold mirror



             ► soft hazelnut biscuit:

-122 g (8 Tbs.) of egg whites

-122 g (8 Tbs of caster sugar

- 50 g (3.3 Tbs) of whole eggs

- 100 g (6.6 Tbs.)  egg yolks

- 43 g (3 Tbs  flour

- 43 g  (3 Tbs) of hazelnuts

- 25g (1.6Tbs)  melted unsalted butter


In a mixer vessel with a whisk, beat the egg whites and sugar.

Add the egg yolks, whole eggs, then the flour and powdered mixture of hazelnuts and eventually melted butter.

Spread the cookie on a plate 40 x 30 cm with a thickness of 1cm.

Bake in a convection oven at 170 ° C (338 F) for 20 min.

Cut out 2 circles of 16 cm (6.2 in) diameter.

Set aside for assembly.




             ► Crispy Hazelnuts

- 120 g (8 Tbs)  hazelnut praline

- 20 gr (4 tsp) coverage milk

- 15 gr (3 tsp) black cover

- 50g (3.3 Tbs) glittery feuillantine

- 50 gr (3.3 Tbs)  caramelised hazelnuts


Melt the covers set at 35 ° C (95 F).

Add the hazelnut praline and mix.

Then add the remaining ingredients.

Smooth mass between 2 sheets of parchment paper.


Cut one circle of 16 cm (.62 in) diameter,

Set aside until installation.


► Creamy Chocolate Tea "Earl Grey"

80 g  ( 2.8 oz ) whipping cream 35% fat

70g ( 2.5 oz) milk

30 g (2 Tbs) of invert sugar

35 gr (2 1/3 Tbs) of earl gray tea

50g (3 1/3 Tbs) milk chocolate cover

60 gr ( 4Tbs) dark chocolate cover 66%

30g (2 Tbs)  butter 30g

20 g (4 tsp) of gelatin mass

In a saucepan boil the milk, cream, invert sugar and tea.

Cover and let steep 20 minutes.

Strain, weigh everything and replenish the initial weight (180g / 6.3 oz) with milk.

Boil it all, then pour over the covers, butter and melted gelatin mass.

Blender, then pour in 1 circle filmed 16 cm (6.2 in) in diameter and freeze.

Set aside for assembly


► Chocolate Mousse Ynaya:

- 140 g (5oz) of whole milk

- 140 gr (5oz) of whipping cream

- 140 gr (5oz) of egg I yardstick

- 270 grams (9.5 oz) of dark chocolate Ynaya

- 170 gr (6oz) of meringue

- 225 gr (8oz) of whipped cream at 35% fat


Melt the chocolate at 45 ° C. (113F)

Conduct a custard with the milk, cream, egg yolks.

Pour over the melted chocolate.

Mixer with a bamix.

Temper the mixture to 35 ° C. (95F)

Add the meringue and gently mix with whipped cream.

Put in pocket  and set aside for assembly.


► For Gold Icing Milk:

 - 125 gr (4.5oz) water

- 300g (10.5oz) caster sugar

- 300 g (10.5oz) glucose syrup

- 200g (7oz) condensed milk

- 20 g (4 tsp) powder gelatine 200 Bloom

- 120 g (4.2oz) water

- 300 grams (10.50oz) of milk chocolate

- Gold dust


Hydrate the gelatin with 120g  (4.2oz) of water.

Bring to a boil the water, sugar and glucose.

Pour the condensed milk and hydrated gelatin and then the couverture chocolate.

Add the gold powder mix and refrigerate overnight.

Use about 35 ° C. (95F)


► Assembly:

  Make the pastry upside down. Use a metal cercle (18 cm diameter and 4.5 cm high). Draw up the chocolate mousse with a pastry bag,add the biscuit disc,and then the Earl Grey  cream and another biscuit disc. To draw up another layer of chocolate mousseand finish with the crusty praline. Place the pastry  in the freeze for minimumr for 4 hours. Take the cercle off the pastry, carry out glazing and to decorate it your own way.



En français original


Entremets Chocolat « thé » noisettes


Recette pour 2 entremets de 18 cm

Fond croustillant noisettes

Biscuit moelleux noisettes

Crémeux chocolat au lait thé Earl Grey

Mousse chocolat Ynaya

Glaçage miroir lactée or



             ► Biscuit moelleux noisettes :

-122 gr de blancs d’œufs

-122 gr de sucre semoule

- 50 gr d’œufs entiers

- 100 gr de jaunes d’œufs

- 43 gr de farine

- 43 gr de poudre de noisettes

- 25 gr de beurre doux fondu


Dans une cuve de batteur munie d’un fouet, monter les blancs d’œufs et le sucre. Ajouter les jaunes d’œufs, les œufs entiers, puis le mélange farine et poudre de noisettes et finir par le beurre fondu. Etaler le biscuit sur une plaque 40 x 30 cm sur une épaisseur d’1cm. Cuire dans un four ventilé à 170°C pendant 20 min. Découper 2 cercles de 16 cm de diam. Réserver pour le montage.


             ► Fond croustillant noisettes :

- 120 gr praliné noisette

- 20 gr couverture au lait

- 15 gr couverture noir

- 50 gr de pailleté feuillantine

- 50 gr noisettes caramélisées concassées


Faire fondre les couvertures ensemble à 35°C. Ajouter le praliné noisette puis mélanger. Ajouter ensuite le reste des ingrédients. Aplanir la masse entre 2 feuilles de papier sulfurisé. Réserver au frais. Découper 1 cercle de 16 cm de diamètres, réserver jusqu’au montage.


► Crémeux chocolat thé « Earl grey » :

80 gr de crème fleurette à 35% de MG

70 gr de lait

30 gr de sucre inverti

35 gr de thé earl grey

50 gr de chocolat au lait de couverture

60 gr de chocolat noir de couverture 66%

30 gr de beurre 30g

20 gr de masse gélatine


Dans une casserole bouillir le lait, la crème, le sucre inverti et le thé. Couvrir puis laisser infuser 20min. Chinoiser, peser le tout et recompléter au poids initial (180g) avec du lait. Bouillir le tout, puis verser sur les couvertures, le beurre et la masse gélatine fondue. Mixer, puis couler dans 1 cercle filmé de 16 cm de diamètre et surgeler. Réserver pour le montage.


► Mousse chocolat Ynaya :

- 140 gr de lait entier

- 140 gr de crème fleurette

- 140 gr de j’aune d’œufs

- 270 gr de chocolat noir Ynaya

- 170 gr de meringue

- 225 gr de crème fouettée à 35 % de MG


Faire fondre le chocolat à 45°C. Réaliser une crème anglaise avec le lait, la crème, les jaunes d’œufs. Verser sur le chocolat fondu. Mixer à l’aide d’un bamix. Tempérer le mélange à 35°C. Ajouter la meringue et mélanger délicatement à la crème fouettée. Mettre en poche et réserver pour le montage.


► Pour le glaçage lait or :

 - 125 gr eau

-  300 gr sucre semoule

-  300 gr sirop de glucose

-  200 gr lait concentré

-  20 gr gélatine poudre 200 Bloom
-  120 gr eau
-  300 gr de couverture lait

-  poudre d’or

Hydrater la gélatine avec les 120 gr d’eau. Porter à ébullition l'eau, le sucre et le glucose. Verser sur le lait concentré et la gélatine hydratée, puis sur le chocolat de couverture, ajouter la poudre d’or mixer et réserver au frais une nuit. A utiliser à environ 35°C.


► Montage :

Réaliser un montage à l’envers. Dans un cercle de 18 cm de diamètre et 4,5 cm de haut. Dresser à la poche à douille, la mousse au chocolat, descendre un disque de biscuit, le crémeux au lait thé Earl grey et un autre disque de biscuit. Dresser à nouveau de la mousse au chocolat et terminer par le croustillant praliné. Placer l’entremet au congélateur minimum 4 h. Décercler l’entremets, procéder au glaçage et décorer à votre guise.

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